Farmers ,need, USDA, help
The Agriculture Department on Tuesday announced a $12 billion package to help farmers and ranchers deal with the consequences of a trade war not of our making. Given no other alternatives, it was the right thing to do.
The situation we face is bad and getting worse. Major commodities such as corn and soybeans have plunged 20 percent since this trade war began in May. Farm income — already off by half compared with four years ago — has turned to real losses across farm country.
Farming often means high stakes and low margins. Every year, farmers go to banks for loans. This covers everything from capital, such as new equipment, to annual production costs, such as seed and fertilizer. Banks expect those seasonal loans to be repaid right after harvest. Cash payments announced Tuesday will help many farmers avoid default or even foreclosure, so more of the people who feed us can continue doing so. The assistance package will buy us time while working to end the trade war.
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USDA will also buy some of the surplus created by this trade war for distribution to food banks and other programs. This should keep prices from falling much further — for now.
Farmers need new markets to make up for ones we are losing as a result of disputes with, previously, some of our biggest customers. Market development funding in the aid package will help.
We appreciate the hard work of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and USDA staff on this assistance package. But we cannot overstate the dire consequences farmers and ranchers are facing due to lost export markets.
And while we are grateful the administration recognizes the pain this trade war has caused, our clear preference is trade over aid. We will continue to push for a swift and sure end to the trade war and tariffs that are harming American agriculture.
Zippy Duvall is president of the American Farm Bureau Federation.
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